Magfine Corporation

We are looking for persons who enjoy both work and life.

Magfine Corporation is the best magnet company with 25 years in business


Characteristics of our company's management

Currently, there are 4 departments. Each department runs on a self-supporting accounting system. The head of each department has almost the same level of authority as a CEO. For example, the head can decide his/her own salary, investment in facilities and development, and at times even matters related to human resources. Each month the company announces the financial condition for each department. If all the departments are in the black, 32% of the cash flow base of the sales profit for each department becomes the bonus amount for that department. We have head of departments, permanent employees and part-time employees. Part-time employees have the chance to become permanent employees and even executives and vice versa. Employees do not just belong to a certain department but are expected to perform duties as an expert in the entire company. The more the employees that make up each department excel in their personalities and skills, and the more the organization is disciplined, the better the performance as a whole. We hope to always be such an organization.

Are you interested in joining our company?
We are seeking people that would like to enjoy work and life without blaming recession for problems. Contact us if you are interested and would like to work with us, starting with finding potential customers.


To buy any products or ask any questions, please visit our online store or contact the corresponding department.
111-10 Moniwa-aza-hitokita-nishi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi 982-0251 TEL +81 22-281-3956 FAX +81 22-281-3967

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